Lost in Translation Business Project Management Systems
AKA: The Story of Disappearing Socks in Washing MachinesSee that strange looking Title? And the even stranger subtitle? Yeah, confuses[...]
Are You a Translation Agency or a Language Service Provider? [You Might be Surprised]
Recently our localization industry hero Renato Beninatto (I already wrote about him here), with a help from his buddy Tucker[...]
Translation Management System? Don’t need one! My Excel table is enough
Before people from big corporations want to see my head on the stick, let me tell you: I love Excel.[...]
How Technology Helps You Get Ahead of Competition and Thrive in Translation Business
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to[...]
Do What The Customers Want, Not What You Think They Want
They say: "Smart people learn from their own mistakes. Wise people learn from other people's mistakes."As much as I'd like[...]
Why You Should Not Allow Duplicate Data in Your TMS
Let me ask you something: When will it stop. The madness, I mean?When will the madness stop?So all those TMS[...]
How To Avoid The Greatest Mistake Any Servicing Company Is Exposed To
Howdy, my cowboy friend - you know that we around here are all cowboys (and girls) and I'm the Sheriff,[...]
Sleep Deprivation Brings The Best Translation Out of You
When we were kids, well, college kids, we used to be great philosophers.For example: We called every person with bags under[...]
The Translation Agency Owner, Manager With The Lowest Salary In The World
"I worked 10 hours a day to become a manager. Now I can finally work 14 hours a day" (Every[...]
You Never Forget Your First
I certainly didn't. It was back in 2007, only a year after me, the "Corporate robot" left that world, and[...]
Why Devaluing Your Time is a Crucial Mistake
You know how people tell you, wait until you have kids, and your life will turn upside-down? I always hated[...]
Are Translators The Janes and James Bonds of The World?
For those who have any doubts: Yours truly is a Big-Big fan of James Bond. Some people will be very angry,[...]
What if Pablo Escobar was Your Translation Project Manager?
Do you feel guilty when you are supposed to do some serious work, but you rather go and do something[...]
Awakening the Translation Project Manager Within
You are in a theatre full of people. Lights are out. Something is about to happen. The Show. The Show[...]
The Translator Who Wasn’t Aware of WWII
Today I want to share something very special with you!Two (or was it four?) interesting, parallel stories from the past about[...]
Translation (Project) Management Systems Myth Debunked
This is a post about the main tools you use in your Translation Agency to operate at higher level. Tools that are[...]
Quality in Translation Matters Only When There is None
Have you noticed, that every translator, or for that matter, translation agency, company whatnot lists "highest quality" as their top priority?[...]
How To Choose The Best Translator/Editor For Your Project
This article assumes you are familiar with the concept of what a Translation Management System like miniTPMS is, and you[...]
3 Mysterious Connections Between Your Productivity and Your Laptop Charger
You know that thing all the people yap about, the one called: life and work balance?If you used to be[...]
You Must Fire Your Customers
Sounds crazy, right? I mean, right in the middle of trying to get more and more clients, someone tells you[...]
How to Make Bank With Bunch of Small “Insignificant” Projects?
Remember when translation projects were great fun and easy to manage? When clients sent you 34,000 words to translate and[...]
Are you still using Excel to track your translation projects? Welcome to 1989!
Lately I have been talking to people. That's not news, right? We've been talking about processes for translation agencies. That's[...]